Welcome to The Huskies Den Preschool!

We are a Cooperative Preschool located in James L. Alexander School in Saskatoon, SK

Our program starts in September and ends the 3rd week in June.

If you have a child who is 3 or 4 and is potty-trained, come check us out.

We have 4 half day sessions all are 2 days per week. We also have a full day 2 days a week option and you can choose Tuesday/Thursday or Wednesday alternating Monday and Friday

There are no parent helper days and there is no fundraising required

Fees are $130.00/month for half day sessions  and 260.00 for full day sessions with a $50.00 registration fee, reduced to $25.00 after Jan

  1.  Mon/Wed/Fri mornings 9:05 -11:50 am
  2. Tues/Thurs mornings 9:05-11:50 am
  3. Mon/Wed/Fri afternoons 12:35-3:20 pm
  4. Tues/Thurs afternoons 12:35-3:20 pm


The Huskies Den Preschool is a cooperative non-profit preschool. We are located in James L Alexander School in the Parkridge area of Saskatoon, SK.

Our teacher has been here for 18 years.

We offer daily stories and crafts.

Monthly themes integrated into learning concepts.

Literacy, numeracy, fine and gross motor skills.

Focus on independence and healthy social interactions.

Computer and educational games.

Excellent introduction to the elementary school environment.

We accept registrations throughout the school year as long as space is available and your child is 3 or 4 and potty-trained.


If you would like more information, please fill out your contact information here and someone will get back to you as soon as possible.